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Une expérience fondée sur les faits

L’un des piliers d’AGESTRAD – Agence espagnole de traduction est l’expérience. Des années de travail nous ont apporté un savoir-faire qui se reflète dans chacune de nos traductions. Notre agence de traduction emploie exclusivement des traducteurs expériementés, formés et aux compétences reconnues. Nous garantissons ainsi un résultat toujours optimal.

Des centaines de clients particuliers et d’entreprises espagnols et étrangers ont fait confiance à notre savoir-faire. AGESTRAD -Agence espagnole de traduction ne divulgue aucune information sur ses clients, conformément à sa politique de confidentialité et à la loi espagnole de protection des données.

Certains d’entre eux ont souhaité nous témoigner leur confiance sur notre site web. Il s’agit notamment de :




The General Management of AGESTRAD, in order to achieve the high standards for improvement of its products (translation services) and the other activities that allow the management of the organisation with the quality required by an increasingly competitive market, has identified the essential strategic factor of the implementation of a quality management system fulfilling the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 regulation, as well as the provision of a translation service fulfilling the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 17100:2015 product regulation. Accordingly, it establishes the following points:


  1. The objectives defined for the provision of the service are assumed through their integration in the quality management system.
  2. The implementation of a quality management system must allow us to know how to execute the associated processes and activities, regardless of the individuals working at all times.
  3. We must use indicators which measure the results of our actions, as well as establishing measurable and quantifiable objectives that allow monitoring of the extent of fulfilment, so that in the case of discrepancies we can make the appropriate alterations as soon as possible.
  4. The continuous improvement that the organisation is committed to will not only be sought in the provision of translation services, but in all other activities related with the fulfilment of the needs and expectations of our clients, which is the purpose of the company, understood as the input and output of our processes.
  5. The competencies of the personnel are continually maintained and updated through annual continuous training plans, which are reviewed to identify their adaptation to the objective set during the analysis of the suitability of the training received by each employee and the subsequent creation of an annual training plan that allows greater operational competence and efficiency. For this reason, we pay special attention to the technical knowledge and training of the personnel, allowing them to provide a quality service.
  6. The quality management system implemented must be reviewed for adaptation to the changing circumstances of the company and its business; it will therefore be periodically checked through the evaluation of performance of the processes and audits to establish improvement plans.
  7. The conclusion on the operation of the company from the information provided by the analysis of the elements indicated in the above point, as well as by non-compliance which arises and corresponding corrective and preventive actions taken, and client satisfaction with the quality of the service provided and the effectiveness of our management is the responsibility of the General Management, who will proceed to evaluate it during its review.


The General Management of AGESTRAD is committed to providing the necessary measures for fulfilling the objectives for improvement established over time, as well as informing personnel affected by the results obtained.


In the same way, the General Management is committed, through an appropriate system of communication, to disseminate this policy, for the purpose of ensuring that it is understood and accepted by all members of the company. Additionally, all personnel must be aware of the importance of satisfying both the requirements of the client, and legal and regulatory requirements for the product or service provided, specifically those of the law on data protection and intellectual property rights.


Our quality system is structured based on the following diagram with all its operating procedures for support and quality.




Granada, on the 5th of March 2017

Enrique Javier Vercher García

The Managing Director of AGESTRAD



Quelques uns des principaux secteurs avec lesquels nous collaborons
  • Technologie et industrie
  • Organismes et ONG
  • Informatique et nouvelles technologies
  • Publicité et marketing
  • Sport
  • Design et communication
  • Université

Fécilicitations de nos clients

  • «Buenos días Enrique, tan sólo comentarles que hemos quedado muy contentos con vuestro servicio y cómo lo habéis coordinado todo. Muchas gracias.» [...] «De nada Enrique, creo que cuando las cosas están bien hay que decirlo. La gente tiene la mala costumbre de decir las cosas malas :)»

  • «Bonjour, Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous féliciter pour votre professionnalisme. En effet, la dernière traduction était parfaite. Aussi, si cela était possible, je vous remercierai de bien vouloir refaire appel aux services du traducteur en question pour le texte ci-joint mais aussi ceux à venir.»

  • «Estimado Ángel, muchas gracias por el esfuerzo que habéis realizado. En esos casos es donde se ve la profesionalidad de un equipo.»
